AP Course Information

AP College Board

The Advanced Placement™(AP) program at Woodinville High School is a cooperative educational program created by the College Board that offers college-level curricula, examinations, and possible college credit while students pursue their education at a high school known for academic and extra-curricular excellence and accommodating and meeting the needs of its students.

WHS 2024-25 ap program course brochure

AP Frequently asked questions

See the WHS 2024-25 Course Catalog
for further WHS course information.

For Students Who Want a Challenge

  • Rigorous and complex subject matter in over 30 courses, across a wide spectrum of subject areas, is presented in a discussion, lecture, and testing format.
  • Covering more material than traditional courses, AP classes require college-level research, writing, and analysis.
  • Challenging as introductory college courses, AP coursework experience can ease a student’s academic transition from high school to first-year college student.
  • AP classes attract and challenge highly motivated students wishing to excel academically and also serve the highly capable student in the high school setting.
  • AP students can explore individual strengths in an environment that supports academic achievement in all areas and disciplines across seven different content departments.

High Standards

  • The AP Program supports educational reform focused on increased standards, testing, and mastery certification; striving to raise the bar in this complex and competitive 21st century work environment and global economy.
  • The work is challenging, but the reward is great, and AP classes signal to admissions officers that a student is ready for college-level work.
  • The AP Program at WHS provides an opportunity for students to take classes that have all the rigor and expectations found in the college setting while allowing these students to take advantage of the diversity of activities and leadership positions available at a large comprehensive high school.

Taught by Qualified Staff

  • The faculty at Woodinville High School, many with master’s degrees, doctorates, and national board certifications has enthusiastically embraced AP as a quality program that allows them to teach advanced material to interested and thoughtful students.
  • All teachers of AP courses must exhibit thorough subject knowledge and attend AP seminars and summer workshops to help ensure the highest efficacy possible.
  • The AP Program has been built on the partnership and commitment between students and educators from both secondary schools and higher education. College faculty review every AP teacher’s course syllabus.  

A Conscious Choice

  • Woodinville High School has chosen the academically rigorous AP Program because it is designed to prepare our students to succeed and prosper in college, university, or vocational settings in preparation for a future career.
  • For the motivated learner, the AP environment offers a clear perspective on university methods and expectations, and upon passage of the spring exams may lessen the burden of first-year college tuition expenses.
  • The AP Program provides the tools needed to succeed in college and meets the needs of both the dedicated student and the concerned parent.


Contact your student's counselor

Visit the College Board at:



Learn how colleges apply AP credits - Use this tool to find colleges that offer credit or placement for AP scores


Published October 10, 2024