Please open the drop down menus below for more information regarding assessments.
- AP Testing
- Smarter Balanced State Testing
- WCAS - Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science
- SAT 2024-25
- PSAT/NMSQT 2024-25
- PSAT/NMSQT 2023-24
- World Language Competency Testing
AP Testing
AP classes are rigorous academic courses designed for students who are college bound. There is no placement test for AP. Students self-select these courses and should be prepared to work at a college-level pace. At the end of the course, the student is expected to take the AP exam which is managed by College Board.
AP exams are highly recognized by colleges and universities with regard to a student's preparation for the demands of college courses. AP exams present an opportunity for college credit and/or higher placement in college courses. Each college decides which AP exam grades it will accept for credit or placement.
Information about exam dates and fees can be found on the College Board website.
Learn about the Advanced Placement Program at WHS.
Learn about Advanced Placement testing at WHS.
Smarter Balanced State Testing
2023 Spring Smarter Balanced Assessment Results
Northshore School District conducted state testing of students who were in grades 3-8 and 10 in the areas of English Language Arts (ELA) and math. Students who were in grade 11 might have participated in ELA and math testing as a way to fulfill the state Graduation Pathways requirement. Students in grades 5, 8, and 11 were also tested in the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS). This testing met state and federal requirements and provides a check-in on student progress toward state standards.
For additional information on the SBA or WCAS, the state’s resource pages ( and provide expanded information for families about state testing, understanding student score reports, and learning standards.
OSPI has completed the scoring of the spring 2023 assessments. They provide and made score reports available electronically for school districts to distribute to families. Your student’s score report can now be viewed in ParentVue. Due to adjustments made by the state, scores for subsections of the test are not available. This web page shows how you can access test scores in ParentVue.
State tests provide a snapshot of your student’s performance during testing and are not indicators of their skills and knowledge which are primarily shown in classroom performance. If you have any questions about your student’s state testing results or academic performance, please contact your student’s counselor.
Posted 10/6/23 ds
Spring State ELA, math, and WCAS (science) Testing 2022-23:
Mark Your Calendars
In the spring of the 2022-23 school year, current 10th-grade students are scheduled to participate in Smarter Balanced ELA and math state testing as an avenue of fulfilling the state's ELA and math graduation pathway requirement. Additionally, any 11th-grade or 12th-grade students who have not yet fulfilled the state ELA and/or math graduation pathway requirement will have the opportunity to re-take the ELA and/or math Smarter Balanced test. Juniors will also participate in the state WCAS science exam for federal accountability purposes.
Students must be present on each designated testing day or will need to participate in a make-up session for the missed section of the exam.
Students must bring their fully-charged district-device when participating in state testing, along with compatible earbuds/headsets. (Headsets will be provided for students who do not bring personal earbuds/headsets).
Testing for Woodinville High School students is administered during the student's typical English, math, or science class period.
When are the tests? Who takes which test?
SBAC English Language Arts (ELA) Testing
All 10th graders and any 11th / 12th graders still needing to meet the state's ELA graduation pathway requirement will test during their English class period:
- Periods 2/4/6: April 17 (CAT) & April 19 (PT)
- Periods 1/3/5/7: April 18 (CAT) & April 20 (PT)
SBAC Math Testing
All 10th-graders and any 11th- / 12th-graders still needing to meet the state's math graduation pathway requirement will test during their math class period:
- Periods 2/4/6: May 15 (CAT) & May 17 (PT)
- Periods 1/3/5/7: May 16 (CAT) & May 18 (PT)
WCAS Science Testing
All 11th-graders will take the WCAS (Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science) for federal accountability purposes:
- Periods 2/4/6: May 24 (WCAS)
- Periods 1/3/5/7: May 25 (WCAS)
Please note that 9th-graders do not participate in spring state testing.
If an 11th- or 12th-grade student has already met standard in English Language Arts or Math, then the student not need to test again.
If you have a specific question at this time regarding State testing, please contact your student's counselor or Assessment Coordinator Mike Kelly at
Posted 3/3/23
What are Smarter Balanced Assessments?The Smarter Balanced assessment system provides educators, students and parents meaningful results with actionable data to help students succeed in the areas of English Language Arts and mathematics. The assessment is aligned to Common Core State Standards and consists of three major components, all designed to improve teaching and learning. The Smarter Balanced Summative assessments take place during the last 12 weeks of the school year. These computer-based tests will help schools evaluate how well their students performed by comparing them with students from other schools across the nation. The end-of-year assessments also will empower families by providing them with a clear indication of how well their children are progressing toward mastering the academic knowledge and skills necessary for college and career readiness. |
WCAS - Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science
Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science
The 5th, 8th, and 11th grade Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS) were administered for the first time in spring 2018. These tests fulfill the federal (ESSA) requirement that students be tested in science once at each level: elementary, middle, and high school.
The WCAS measures the level of proficiency that Washington students have achieved based on the Washington State 2013 K-12 Science Learning Standards, which were adopted in October 2013.
Washington State WCAS (Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science) Testing 2022-23
Spring WCAS Testing
In the spring of the 2022-23 school year, all current 11th-grade students will test on the federal accountability WCAS, as has been standard practice.
- Students must bring their fully-charged district-device, compatible earbuds/headset*, and be present for each scheduled testing day.
All 11th-graders will take the WCAS (Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science) for federal accountability purposes:
- Periods 2/4/6: May 24 (WCAS)
- Periods 1/3/5/7: May 25 (WCAS)
Posted 3/3/23
Washington State WCAS (Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science) Testing 2021-22
Spring 2021-22 WCAS Testing
In the spring of the 2021-22 school year, all current 11th-grade students will test on the federal accountability WCAS, as has been standard practice.
- Students must bring their fully-charged district-device, compatible earbuds/headset*, and be present for each scheduled testing day.
WCAS Science Testing
All 11th-graders will take the WCAS (Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science) for federal accountability purposes:
- Periods 1/3/5/7: May 24 (Test Preview) & May 26 (WCAS)
- Periods 2/4/6: May 24 (Test Preview) & May 25 (WCAS)
If you should have any questions about WCAS state science testing, please contact your student's counselor or Assessment Coordinator Jill Zawatski (
*A headset will be provided for students who do not bring personal earbuds/headset.
Fall 2021-22 WCAS Testing
Due to the pandemic, OSPI announced the spring 2020-21 federal accountability administration of the state science exam (WCAS) was postponed to the fall of 2021-22 for current 8th-grade and 11th-grade students. This means our current 9th-grade students will test on the 8th-grade state science exam (WCAS) and our current 12th-grade students will test on the 11th-grade state science exam (WCAS).
The 11th-grade WCAS is not a graduation requirement for current seniors.
- The fall administration of the federal accountability WCAS for current WHS 9th-grade and 12th-grade students will take place on Wednesday, October 13 during the 8:20a-12:05p grade-level activity rotations.
- Students must bring their fully-charged district-device.
Washington State WCAS Testing 2020-21
Due to the COVID-19 school closures, WCAS testing will not take place during the 2020-21 school year.
Washington State WCAS Testing 2019-2020
As of March 23, 2020, OSPI has removed all summative tests from the Test Administration system; summative tests cannot be administered to students while schools remain closed. OSPI plans to ensure the online test administration platform for the Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) will be open Monday, April 27 through Friday, June 5.
SAT 2024-25
2025 Spring SAT School Day Exam Registration Information
To register for 2025 Spring SAT School Day Exam please click on THIS LINK to create an account. Then scroll to Woodinville High School and follow registration instructions.
Date of the exam: March 5, 2025
Location: Woodinville HS Library
Cost of the SAT exam: $60.00 due upon registration
Registration closes: February 10, 2025
Priority is given to current 11th grade and 12th grade students and filled on a first come first serve basis.
Woodinville HS students register for the Woodinville HS exam date only (do not register to attend another school's exam).
There is a cap on the number of registrations due to space constraints so please register early as you will be placed on a waitlist with the possibility of not being able to test on the scheduled exam day.
Other SAT Exam Opportunities
SAT exams are also administered several times per year at other locations outside of the Northshore School District (usually on a Saturday). Students will need to establish a College Board account before they can register for these tests. It is important the student registers with their own account, not a parent's account. Creating an account takes about 30 minutes. This is the same account you will use if you are registering for an AP test. These tests fill up quickly so we recommend that if you want to test at a convenient location that you sign up for the SAT early. Otherwise, you might end up taking the test at a location farther away. Registration and further information about the SAT can be found at Or by contacting your student's counselor.
SAT Testing Resources
In addition to a students GPA, course selections, and involvement in extracurricular activities, 4-year colleges and universities typically take a solid look at how students do on either the SAT or ACT when making admission decisions.
- College admissions offices see this, understand this, and are adjusting accordingly by evaluating admissions requirements using a holistic review process.
- Remember to consult the Admissions websites of the colleges you are considering for up-to-date admissions requirements.
If you are able to and/or choose to register for an ACT or SAT test, you will need the Woodinville High School CEEB Code: 481598.
State Graduation ELA/Math Pathway
When meeting the score requirement, the SAT or ACT also can also be used to meet the ELA and/or Math state graduation requirement. Reach out to your counselor for details!
Per NACAC (National Association for College Admission Counseling), the COVID-19 pandemic has created uncertainty among students and families about nearly all aspects of the college admission process, including the role of standardized testing.
Due to previous cancellations of SAT and ACT testing dates, more than 1,450 US colleges and universities announced they are moving to a test-optional policy, and more will surely follow.
Learn more on the NACAC website.
Class of 2022 & Beyond: Test Optional Information from Washington Student Achievement Council.
For a list of out of state colleges/universities that are test optional please visit
2025 ACT Exam Practice
WHS Falcons! Looking for SAT or ACT exam practice? There is good news! Huntington Learning Center (Canyon Park) is offering an in-person ONLY full-length Digital SAT and paper ACT practice tests. Students can only receive the scores by signing up for individual conferences after the test.
- The ACT is Wednesday January 29, 1:45pm in the WHS Library.
- The SAT is Sunday, February 9th, 9am at Huntington Learning Center in Bothell: 22833 Bothell Everett Hwy Suite 156, Bothell, WA 98021
- The registration fee is $30 per test due to Huntington on the test day.
- Any interested WHS student can take the practice tests.
- Register here
All proceeds will be donated by Huntington to support reducing the cost of Prom & Senior Breakfast for the Class of 2026!
ACT Testing Resources
In addition to a students GPA, course selections, and involvement in extracurricular activities, 4-year colleges and universities typically take a solid look at how students do on either the SAT or ACT when making admission decisions.
- College admissions offices see this, understand this, and are adjusting accordingly by evaluating admissions requirements using a holistic review process.
- Remember to consult the Admissions websites of the colleges you are considering for up-to-date admissions requirements.
If you are able to and/or choose to register for an ACT or SAT test, you will need the Woodinville High School CEEB Code: 481598.
State Graduation ELA/Math Pathway
When meeting the score requirement, the SAT or ACT also can also be used to meet the ELA and/or Math state graduation requirement. Reach out to your counselor for details!
ACT (American College Testing)
Information, including registering for the ACT, can be found at
Learn about:
Per NACAC (National Association for College Admission Counseling), the COVID-19 pandemic has created uncertainty among students and families about nearly all aspects of the college admission process, including the role of standardized testing.
Due to previous cancellations of SAT and ACT testing dates, more than 1,450 US colleges and universities announced they are moving to a test-optional policy, and more will surely follow.
Learn more on the NACAC website.
Class of 2022 & Beyond: Test Optional Information from Washington Student Achievement Council.
For a list of out of state colleges/universities that are test optional please visit
PSAT/NMSQT 2024-25
PSAT/NMSQT 2024-25
WHS Falcons! Looking for SAT or ACT exam practice? There is good news! Huntington Learning Center (Canyon Park) is offering an in-person ONLY full-length Digital SAT and paper ACT practice tests. Students can only receive the scores by signing up for individual conferences after the test.
- The ACT is Wednesday January 29, 1:45pm in the WHS Library.
- The SAT is Sunday, February 9th, 9am at Huntington Learning Center in Bothell: 22833 Bothell Everett Hwy Suite 156, Bothell, WA 98021
- The registration fee is $30 per test due to Huntington on the test day.
- Any interested WHS student can take the practice tests.
- Register here
All proceeds will be donated by Huntington to support reducing the cost of Prom & Senior Breakfast for the Class of 2026!
Fall 2025 PSAT
The PSAT/NMSQT is scheduled for all WHS juniors on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 on-site during the school day. (Sophomores will be on an opt-in basis. See registration link below) The PSAT serves as a practice for the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The PSAT/NMSQT is being administered digitally in line with the now digital SAT. Learn more about when the digital SAT will launch here.
- All WHS juniors are scheduled to participate, no registration required.
- Sophomores need to register at this link:
- Deadline for 10th graders to register is September 20
- Must register for your home school exam date (October 15)
- The exam fee is $20.00
Juniors: The fee will populate to all junior TouchBase accounts by Wednesday, August 21. The fee is due Friday, September 13. (Eleventh graders see below for fee waiver information.)
Non-WHS and/or Homeschooled Students: Non-WHS and/or homeschooled students interested in taking the PSAT should email Damen Schuneman to inquiry about taking the exam through the district.
Process for requesting PSAT accommodations
It is important to note: College Board, the governing body of the PSAT and SAT, approves testing accommodations for students on an IEP or 504 Plan, not the Northshore School District. Also please note that this process can take up to 7 weeks.
Learn more on the College Board website.
Please contact your student's counselor after August 22, 2024 if you have questions about PSAT accommodations. Parents can begin the formal request process by obtaining an accommodations application packet by visiting In addition, parents must submit a copy of their student’s most recent special education evaluation or testing results within the last three years, along with information about how testing accommodations were accessed in classroom testing situations over the last four months.
Information regarding accommodations for students on an IEP or 504 Plan
Parents of students on an IEP or 504 Plan with specific testing accommodations have three options for the PSAT. It is important to note that testing accommodations for the PSAT are limited to providing additional time for completing the test, and taking the PSAT in a smaller group setting. Students on an IEP or 504 Plan can take the PSAT without accommodations, since it is a low stakes test. This gives students an opportunity to assess whether or not they will need accommodations when taking the SAT for college admissions. Please review the College Board's Requesting Accommodations Through the School link for more information.
Please note our SSD Coordinator, My Tang, can be reached by email at
*Fee Waiver Information for Eleventh Graders
Eleventh graders qualify for fee waivers if they meet any of the conditions outlined below. Eleventh graders eligible for a fee waiver contact their counselor.
You’re eligible if one or more of these descriptions apply to you:
- You’re enrolled in or eligible to participate in the federal National School Lunch Program (NSLP).
- Your family's annual income falls within the Income Eligibility Guidelines set by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service.
- You're enrolled in a federal, state, or local program that aids students from low-income families, for example, TRIO programs like Upward Bound.
- Your family receives public assistance.
- You’re homeless or live in federally subsidized public housing or a foster home.
- You’re a ward of the state or an orphan.
PSAT/NMSQT 2023-24
World Language Competency Testing
World Language Competency Testing - 2024-25Registration Open November 1 - November 15Exam Date - Thursday, November 21 @ 8:30amLocation: WHS LibraryRegistration has opened online to participate in World Language Competency Testing here in Northshore. Registration will close on Friday, November 15th. This is an opportunity for students who can read, write, listen and speak a language other than English to earn up to four competency credits and/or the Seal of Biliteracy designation on their high school transcript. More detailed information about the test and earning credits can be found on the World Language Competency Test website. Here is the pertinent information regarding the upcoming testing opportunity:
All of this information can be found on the WL testing website: World Language Competency Test website. Please refer to the attached frequently asked questions document for more details. It's also easy to find the WLCT website from the district main page. Click In Our Schools / Assessment / World Language Competency Test or use the shortcut URL