Budgeting Process

In March, each club/sport’s ASB budget proposal for the next school year must be developed. Per ASB law, this process involves both the club advisor or coach and a student representative estimating, as accurately as possible, the revenues and expenditures for the club or sport for the coming school year on an ASB Budget Prep Worksheet.

  • Accuracy is important since the approved expenditure budget cannot be exceeded as ASB law indicates clubs/sports are not allowed to spend more than its total budgeted expenditures.  
Once ASB Budget Prep Worksheets are submitted by all clubs who will be fundraising the following school year and by all athletic teams, they are presented for approval to the ASB Executive Board who then develops an overall ASB budget that will be presented to the Student Council for approval at the April Student Council Meeting.  Upon the Student Council's approval, the budget is then presented to the District by April 30. The District will then present the budget to the School Board. Once approved by the School Board, the budget each club/team submitted will be the capacity each club or sport has to work with for the entire upcoming school year. (Clubs can only spend actual fundraised dollars. Establishing a budget does not "give" the club funds to spend.)
Advisors' efforts supporting student leadership at WHS and for working with their student representative(s) throughout this process is a vital component of ASB budgeting and is greatly appreciated.

Spring Budgeting Forms

Budget Prep Instructions and a Budget Prep Worksheet will be provided to each advisor and coach in March.   

Contact Us

Mike Kelly
Activities Director

Rachel Nelson
Nicki Kongkarat

ASB Secretary/Bookkeeping 