AP Testing & Attendance
AP Testing & Attendance
1. In order to honor the hard work and dedication that has brought students to the final stage of taking an AP exam in the spring, WHS students will receive an all-day school-related absence on their exam day(s) (see exception below in paragraph 2 b).
a. Parents/guardians do not need to contact the Attendance Office to excuse their student for their student's AP Exam testing date(s).
b. The Attendance Office has been provided with a list of students to excuse from the AP coordinator (and is also made aware of students who do not attend testing to update attendance after the exam day(s).
What about missed school work? What if a student attends classes around the AP exam(s)?
2. Students should talk to their teachers regarding school work missed on the day of their AP exam and are welcome to attend all classes that are outside of their testing window.
a. This will allow students the flexibility to prepare and recover from the exam, and attend the classes that cannot be missed.
b. Naturally, if a teacher requests a student to attend class outside of the testing window, the student should honor that request (this could be due to academic progress).
3. Parents/Guardians of testing students who do choose to attend classes on their testing day must email the Attendance Office (or their absence will continue to be marked as school-related).
Please visit the College Board AP Testing Schedule HERE. Learn more about AP testing at WHS HERE.
Questions about AP Testing attendance? Email whsattendance@nsd.org.