Facilities & Grounds
WHS Track and Field Regulations
Track and field use at WHS are for school scheduled activities. Although the track, field, and tennis courts are outside, the areas are instructional classroom space during the school day, Monday - Friday.
- No dogs.
- All District school campuses and outdoor facilities, including playgrounds, tracks and tennis courts, are closed to the public during the school day from 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Playgrounds, tracks, and tennis courts are available for weekend and evening use, unless scheduled for school activities.
- Hours: 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., except during the school day and during school activities.
- Football, soccer, baseball, softball, and multi-use fields require reservations.
- Please visit the NSD website for more details on access guidelines and requirements.
- For field scheduling information call 425-408-7885.
- In case of emergency call 911 if you are in immediate danger.
- If there is a non-emergency concern with our facilities, and it is after hours, please call 425-485-9535.
- Tobacco, alcohol or controlled substance use not permitted
- Food or beverage of any type not permitted on track-field surfaces
- Chewing gum & sunflower seeds not permitted on track-field surfaces
- Dogs or other animals not permitted on Northshore School District property
- Fireworks or other explosive devices not permitted
- Bicycles, skateboards & rollerblades not permitted on school district property
- No unscheduled field use
- No trespassing after dusk
Please Observe on School Grounds
- NO Skateboards
- NO Rollerblades or Skates
- NO Dogs or Other Animals
- NO Bicycles on Sidewalk
- NO Parking in Fire Lanes
- NO Littering or Dumping
- NO Motorcyles, GoCarts, ATV's
- No Weapons or Fireworks
- No Smoking or Drugs
Not responsible for injury or theft, loss, or damage to property
1/15/2021 ds
Facility Rental
The Northshore School District allows community use of our gyms, cafeterias, fields, conference rooms, libraries and theaters.
Field Rental
The Northshore School District allows community use of our football, soccer, baseball, softball, multi-use fields and Pop Keeney Stadium.
The Northshore Performing Arts Center serve the entire community in supporting the performing arts.
Integrated Pest Management
We will notify the community whenever there is an application of pesticide at a facility.