Payment Troubleshooting & Guest Accounts
If you are having difficulty selecting an item for purchase, chances are a GUEST Account was created at the TouchBase login page, rather than using the parent/guardian user name and password provided by the school.
If a GUEST account was created, the user sees:
- The parent's name after "Shopping for" rather than the student's name
- In the payment amount area "Only available to grade(s) 9,09,10,11,12" is seen rather than the correct dollar amount, or the ability to enter the dollar amount for sport's payments
Guest accounts do NOT tie to the student's account. Guest accounts are for NON-NSD parent/guardians to purchase items such as Theater tickets. WHS parents can be provided with their TouchBase user name be emailing TouchBase accounts allow parents to view and make payments for ALL of their NSD students through one user name and password.
Do NOT set up a Guest Account at the TouchBase login page!
Parents/Guardians can also view our PDF guide for complete online payment site instructions.