
Woodinville High School invites you to join us as a school volunteer. We offer opportunities for parents or community members to be involved before, during, and after school, for an hour, a day, or on a regular basis. Your time and contributions make a remarkable difference.

Please complete the forms below and submit them with a copy of your current driver's license to the WHS Office Manager. Forms are also available in the WHS main office.  Completed forms must be returned before you begin your volunteer opportunities. 

If you have questions about PTSA volunteer opportunities at WHS, please contact the WHS PTSA Volunteer Coordinator.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at WHS!

District Volunteer Information and Forms

Delays in WA State Court System

There are currently backlogs with the background checks due to delays in the Washington State Court System. Processing time for applications will be affected for many applicants until the issues are resolved with the state courts, which is out of our control. We will post updates as we receive them.

Application Process



Partnerships Coordinator

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WHS Mail File


WHS Main Office is seeking Copy Brigade Volunteers!  

The Main Office is looking to fill spots for the Copy Brigade. The Copy Brigade program focuses on ten or more regularly committed volunteers making photocopies and laminating items submitted to the Main Office Copy Center by faculty and staff, as well as providing assistance keeping the work room copy center organized. Regular, committed volunteers are needed Monday through Friday for a 2-hour window between 8:20 - 12:20 p.m. Volunteers who are able to commit to regular and consistent participation are key to the effectiveness of this program. Volunteers are encouraged to team up in pairs and, for example, volunteer every other Tuesday, alternating with their partner.  Then, if a Tuesday volunteer can’t make it, the alternating Tuesday partner may be able to swap days and fill in.  In the event a Work Room Copy Center volunteer is unable to make it on their specified day and a back-up person cannot be located, the Main Office Secretary is contacted so alternate arrangements can be made for that day. 
Please email Main Office Secretary Kim Benedict at whsoffice@nsd.org if interested and advise the day of the week you would like to volunteer!

Please note:  All NSD volunteers complete a mandatory volunteer training and background check.  More information regarding volunteer paperwork requirements is available on the district website. Thank you Falcon Families!